“I love kinesiology… but how do I explain it?”

This is a question, so many of my Clients have asked me over the years. It can be difficult to share how it works, or what exactly takes place in a session, because every time it is different. Also because it can help with so many things from sleep to relationships, to grief or anxiety issues.

I always recommend you speak from your heart about what shifted or connected for you in your experience of kinesiology, rather than attempting to intellectualise the process too much.

It may help to keep in mind that different practitioners focus on different areas of health and wellbeing. For example some are more focussed on the physical/biochemical and others more on the emotional and energetic. Some of us do a lot of talk-therapy (like counselling) while others prefer to go straight to the body to get the information that’s needed.

I like to think that you feel a certain connection or match when you find the right practitioner to help you, and that it’s ok to work with different practitioners for different aspects of your health. Personally I have several kinesiologists that balance me, depending on what I need. I also regularly have acupuncture, spiritual healing and tarot guidance, psychology and personal development- hypnosis, chiropractic, and remedial massage/myotherapy to keep me on my path.

A typical conversation between My Clients and their Friends:

Friend: Well, my daughter doesn’t sleep well/I can’t seem to snap out of this brain fog/Nothing seems to help my headaches (etc. <insert imbalance here>)

Client: Oh you should try kinesiology

Friend: What’s kin… kines-what?…kinesiology?

Client: Well, i don’t know really, but it’s amazing!

Friend: So what happens in an appointment?

Client: It’s different every time. You talk a bit about what’s going on for you… Emma does this arm-muscle movement thing to find bits of information that are important and relevant… generally lots of different things come together to help you understand and make changes.

There’s different things she does to shift how you’re thinking and feeling. Sometimes it’s what you’re believing about yourself, or other people, and sometimes it’s about emotions that need attention. You just feel better afterwards, lighter somehow and more yourself

Friend: Do you have to take your clothes off?

Client: No you don’t take your clothes off 🙂

For a fully clothed Kinesiology appointment, get in touch with me via ekinesi.com